I’ve never done boxing before, are your classes suitable for me?

Absolutely! Basic boxing techniques are taught at the start of most classes. Boxing fundamentals, Boxing Circuit and Boxing All Levels are beginner friendly classes.

Can I have a shower after class?

Yes! We have two showers.

What should I bring to my first class?

Bring your boxing gloves and wraps if you have them, otherwise gloves and inners are provided for use in the class and we do also sell hand wraps and gloves on site. Wear clothing and footwear you are comfortable exercising in and bring a drink bottle, we have a water fountain for refills.

Is there contact in the classes?

The All Levels boxing classes may have light contact (not sparring), which could include a “shoulder touch” drill or “attack & defence” drill in which a training partner will demonstrate a punch in order to practice defence. The punches are not to the face or body but rather the gloves. If you are uncomfortable with this, let your coach or training partner know.

The Technical Boxing class may contain some school boxing training with light contact or supervised sparring for those who are ready.

Boxing Fundamentals and Boxing Circuit are non-contact.

Can I train on my own?

Yes, the gym facilities are available for use while classes are not running, these times appear on timetable as “Open Gym”.